"Dear Ex" is a 2018 Taiwanese comedy drama film co directed by Mag Hsu and Hsu Chih Yen. The story revolves around three main characters: Chenghsi, Sanlian, and Jay. Chenghsi's father passes away due to cancer and it is revealed that the inheritance beneficiary is his gay lover, Jay, instead of Sanglian, Chenghsi's mother. Conflict arises between the three and they navigate their complex relationship dynamics as well as their feelings of grief, forgiveness, and acceptance.
Movies, shows, and other media can be ways to connect to the LGBTQ+ community even if you are not out. It can be a way to learn of others experiences and journeys.
If you have questions or concerns of our own journey you are very welcome to talk with one of our peer-support volunteers on the LGBT National Hotline at 888-843-4564 or one-to-one chat at www.LGBThotline.org/cha