


LGBTQ Teens Chatroom


Ages 19 and Younger

Tuesday and Wednesdays:
4 PM - 7 PM/pacific
7 PM - 10 PM/eastern

Young Man on IPad


This is NOT a hookup/sex site. Giving out your personal contact information is prohibited. 

When the room is closed you will see a chat window with the message

"Room Closed..."

When the room is open you will see the name of a moderator.  

Once in, you can create a name and pick an icon to use. Do not use your full name or other identifying contact information.

The moderators are responsible for keeping the room safe. While you can IM the moderator privately, please do not overwhelm them with messages.

Discuss concerns, issues, and personal victories

The LGBTQ Teens Online Chatroom is a weekly moderated group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth 19 and younger, to interact in a safe space and to be able to fully express one's self without being made to feel uncomfortable or unwelcome.

Please be respectful of the diversity of all gender identities and expressions. Do not assume anyone’s gender identity or sexual orientation.

Please use a person’s chosen name and pronouns. 

We will not permit sexist, homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, or body-shaming jokes or comments.

Moderators will remove users who promote violence, bullying, sexually explicit language, harassment, or hate speech, or attempt to use the group as a hookup site.

We are here to learn from each other and to support each other.