Passing” is a 2015 Canadian documentary directed by J. Mitchel Reed & Lucah Rosenberg Lee. It follows three black trans men and how their transitions affect how they navigate through the world.
The full documentary can be found at:
You get to ask questions of yourself, and you get to discover who you are. It can be scary, it can be messy, but it can get you to a place where you know so much more about yourself.
If you need to talk about gender and/or sexual identity, coming out, and more, we're here for you.
We offer a safe, non-judgmental environment through our national hotlines and online one-to-one chat.
LGBT National Hotline: 888-843-4564
LGBT National Coming Out Support Hotline: 888-688-5428
LGBT National Youth Talkline: 800-246-7743
LGBT National Senior Hotline: 888-234-7243
Online chat:
Even if you are not at a place where you can have a conversation, you are very welcome to explore our website for books, films, comics, podcasts and more as ways to connect yourself to the community and other narratives. For more please check out