Continuing our journey of seeking out queer representation in media: "The Haunting of Bly Manor" is one part of a horror anthology series created by Mike Flanagan, released in 2020. It is the second installment in the "Haunting" anthology following "The Haunting of Hill House." The story is set in 1980s England and revolves around Dani Clayton, an American who becomes an au pair for two orphaned children, Miles and Flora, at the remote and eerie Bly Manor. As Dani settles into her new role, she begins to experience supernatural occurrences and encounters various ghostly figures haunting the estate. She also becomes acquainted with the other staff members including Jamie, a groundskeeper and her love interest in the show.
The LGBT National Help Center wants to make sure you know that there is no ONE WAY of being. Each person has their own journey and has the right to find comfort and joy in the person they are, and how they express themselves. The journey of self discovery may be different for each person, and those with questions or concerns on their gender and/or sexual identity are welcome to talk with our peer support volunteers on our national hotlines and online one-to-one chat. A person's journey for acceptance both externally and internally is their own, and all are valid.
LGBT National Hotline; 888-843-4564
LGBT National Coming Out Support Hotline: 888-688-5428
LGBT National Youth Talkline: 800-246-7743
LGBT National Senior Hotline: 888-234-7243
Online chat:
Even if you are not at a place where you can have that conversation, you are very welcome to explore our website for books, films, comics, podcasts and more as ways to connect yourself to the community and other narratives. For more please check out