Please read & understand the Code of Conduct below before entering a chatroom.
Chatrooms are below. Please read first.
Our moderated chat rooms are for LGBTQIA+ youth 19 and younger to talk in a safe space and be able to express themselves without fear of being judged.
You can discuss concerns, issues, talk about personal victories, or find a calm place to just hang out. You define this space.
You can join the conversation when you're ready by creating a name (keep it clean!) and choosing the icon you like best.
Our general code of conduct are:
-Our rooms are welcoming and affirming. Please do not assume anyone's gender or sexual orientation. Please respect and use a person's chosen name and pronouns.
-We do not permit hate speech. Sexist, homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, or body-shaming jokes or comments are not allowed.
-Do not share personal information about yourself or others.
-Be respectful and considerate of others.
-Be open to learning and be will open to others who may have had a different life experiences than your own.
-Do not spam or flood the chatroom, NO TROLLS!
-We may not always agree with each other in a conversation, but chatters agree to be respectful to each other and their opinions.
-Do not enter to room just to create discord, start a fight or argument. We are here to form community and to up-lift each other.
-Chatters will follow the guidelines brought up in the chatroom of the moderator whose mission is to keep the room safe for all chatters.
Our Moderators:
Our chatrooms have trained adult moderators to keep things safe. When needed they will remove hate speech or inappropriate language. Moderators will help lead conversations, answer questions, and help with the conversations, but their main goal is to keep the room a supportive and affirming space. That may mean giving warnings if the code of conduct is accidentally broken or by banning users who purposely attempt to bring hostility into the room. No space is 100 percent guaranteed to be without users who may try to being in negativity, our moderators will do everything they can to limit and remove it from the chatroom. If negative comments do happen, they will be removed, but it may be a chance for the chatroom collectively to reflect how, as a community they can support each other within the room and take that positive energy with them.
Tuesdays & Wednesdays 4 - 7 PM/pacific for those 19 and younger
Thursdays & Fridays 4 - 7 PM/pacific for those 19 and younger